Welcome, I’m Catherine.
It’s nice to meet you and I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve always been an artsy sort of person and, if you are too, you’ve come to the right place! Even if you’ve never dabbled at all, come and explore your creativity with us here in the studio. I bet you’ll have a marvelous time.
Growing up as one of the oldest of 10 siblings, it was often my job to teach and entertain the little kids so I learned to invent interesting things to do at almost a moment’s notice. Becoming licensed and certified as an elementary level school teacher was a natural next step once I went to college.
I earned my degree in Elementary Education and taught little kids for years and years. Although I taught full time, I took college class after class and eventually, I became an Art Teacher. I taught Art at 2 schools (was also the school librarian at one of them as well!) and reached almost 400 students every week for 20 more years. What fun that was! Still, it eventually became time to gradually move into work that allowed me to use my artistic abilities in a different way. It was time for me to have my own business.
Even if you’ve never dabbled at all, come have fun with us here in the studio. I bet you’ll have a marvelous time.
I then decided…
…to learn all I could about the graphic side of Art. I bought copies of Photoshop and Illustrator via the teacher discount they offered at the time and learned to use them as much as possible. I opened 2 shops on Etsy and sold my floral paintings in the form of clipart that people could use to make beautiful wedding invitations, greeting cards, t-shirt designs, and much more.
I’ve long since retired from classroom teaching and I’ve still got hundreds of ideas about Art running through my head. I still get a big kick out of making it, teaching it, enjoying it, and passing the love of it on to others.
Flowerdance Studio gives me a place to post all of those ideas and give them to you so you can enjoy the fun of learning to paint. Together, we’ll create all sorts of beautiful pieces that you can be proud of. You’ll be able to be satisfied with what you’ve made, display it in your home, and make gifts for people too.
Come play in the studio with me. The doors are always open!
You’ll never know where your new found skills will ultimately lead you until you try. What I do know is that you’ll certainly have fun!

My Paintings

02. Full Moon Woman
mixed media:acrylic, cardboard, tissue paper, metallic paint

04. Oil Paintings
Cherries on the beach and and an apple too.

06. Lilac Painting

01. Oil Paintings
I set floral arrangements up and painted these from life with Water soluble oils.
03. Three More Oil Paintings
I love learning more about painting with oils.

05. Watercolor Sketch
A delicate floral watercolor on paper
“Nothing is impossible. the word itself says ‘I’m Possible!'”– Audrey Hepburn

Hi, I’m Anna!
everyone has creativity within them
Sometimes, a person just needs a little
handholding, encouragement, and some good classes to help bring it out.
When your world has art, your life begins to function differently. Learning to see the world through a creative lens impacts every part of your life.
A little about me:
When I’m not working, I enjoy travel, trying new recipes, interior design, dogs, flower
gardening, and spending time with my husband, family, and friends.
I have a great time at basketball games, and I love PBS as much as I love trash TV. I have fun playing chess, but I usually never win a game against my husband.
I have a degree in Visual Art and a minor in Art History.
I’ve worked on fixing up many old houses and have taken thousands of hours of visual art, interior design, fashion, organizing, and art history classes.